Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rain Tree Overshadows Various People To Earn A Living

Rain tree (Albizia saman, Samanea Saman) the worlds largest oxygen producer, overshadows many people to earn a living, such as: motorcyclist, tire repair shop, shop, cafe, restaurant, minimart. There is an orange and white minibus of Pos Indonesia parks and serves there. Photographed during lunch time, seen the writings of POS at the closed back door of minibus. When busy people get together and lining up around the minibus, if photographed it does not appear that the minibus is a mobile post office.

Someone with blue shirt is repairing motorcycle tire on the right of post office minibust. At dawn many taxi-cab are parked and waiting for passengers to Jakarta from Cinere, Depok, Pondok Cabe, and surrounding areas. Some taxi drivers say that they spend the night under that rain tree as they are late to go home, and hope for the passengers in the morning. When scorcher, a lot of people take shelter under this tree while waiting for public transport.

Under this tree, It used to be a terminal for bus Patas P-18A Pondok Labu - Grogol. Before 6:00 am, many people were waiting bus under the tree. The first bus left at 6:00 and always full. There were no permanent buildings under this tree. There are only simple food stalls for students and employees of the Universitas Pembangunan Nasional, banks, hospital, private office, and Armed Forces from the surrounding neighborhood.

As far as I know there has never been a broken branch, although the tree grows to the side and sheltering a large area. Hopefully it will not happen.

May be the tree needs to be trimmed, but not to be cut. Its good to clean the area around the tree and laid out to avoid to become a slum area and continue as a shelter for various people, continue to produce oxygen, and helping turn the economy. Development does not have to sacrifice nature.

Pohon Trembesi (Albizia Saman, Samanea Saman) produsen oksigen terbesar dunia menaungi berbagai kalangan mencari nafkah, seperti: ojek, bengkel ban, warung, warnet, restoran, minimart. Ada minibus putih oranye Pos Indonesia diparkir dan melayani di situ. Difoto saat jam istirahat, terlihat tulisan ‘POS’ dan ‘bayardi’ di pintu belakang minibus yang tertutup. Saat sibuk orang-orang berkumpul dan antri di sekitarnya, jika difoto tidak kelihatan bahwa minibus tersebut adalah kantor pos berjalan.

Seseorang berbaju biru memperbaiki ban sepeda motor di kanan mobil pos. Saat subuh taxi-taxi mangkal menunggu penumpang tujuan Jakarta dari Cinere, Depok, Pondok Cabe, dan sekitarnya. Beberapa sopir taxi mengaku bermalam di bawah pohon ini karena telat pulang, dan berharap mendapat penumpang esok paginya. Saat panas terik banyak orang berteduh di bawah pohon ini sambil menunggu kendaraan umum.

Dulu di bawah pohon ini dijadikan terminal bus Patas P-18A Pondok Labu - Grogol. Sebelum jam 6:00 pagi, sudah ramai orang menunggu bus di bawah pohon. Bus pertama berangkat jam 6:00 selalu penuh sesak sampai berdiri. Dulu tidak ada bangunan permanen di bawah pohon ini. Hanya ada warung-warung sederhana untuk mahasiswa dan karyawan dari Universitas Pembangunan Nasional, bank, rumah sakit, swasta, dan Hankam/TNI di sekitarnya.

Setahu saya belum pernah ada dahan yang patah, walau tumbuhnya melebar ke samping menaungi wilayah yang luas. Semoga tidak akan terjadi.

Mungkin perlu dipangkas, tapi semoga tidak perlu ditebang. Ada baiknya area sekitar pohon dibersihkan dan ditata agar tidak kumuh dan tetap menjadi tempat bernaung berbagai kalangan, terus memproduksi oksigen, dan membantu memutar ekonomi. Pembangunan tidak harus korbankan alam.

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